how much electricity do cable boxes use reddit It is super common to use more than 100% of the baseline, so people would likely save $0.274 per kWh if they didn’t have their cable boxes. But there are a ton of rate schedules, with peak . If you’re caught stopping in a yellow box junction you could be charged with obstructing traffic. This could land you with a fine of up to £70, or even £130 in London. If you pay the fine within 14 days, this number could be reduced by 50%.
0 · do cable boxes still consume energy
1 · do cable boxes consume electricity
Many learner drivers do not understand the rules of yellow box junctions so i have compiled this video to help everyone not just learner drivers understand w.
do cable boxes still consume energy
One of the many things that pushed me to cut the cord was discovering that our cable box, which might have been a DVR, but I think it was even the non-DVR box used 150W or more of power--when powered off. I measured this with a .
do cable boxes consume electricity
It is super common to use more than 100% of the baseline, so people would likely save Posted by u/scientologist2 - 1,164 votes and 361 comments.274 per kWh if they didn’t have their cable boxes. But there are a ton of rate schedules, with peak .Their findings indicated that power consumption of the average cable box/DVR combo (~446 kWh/year) was higher the average refrigerator (~415 kWh/year) and was second only to air .
Cable boxes can waste quite a bit of electricity, so you might be tempted to unplug yours to save money or put it on a smart power trip to cut the power. Here's why you might . According to the numbers from the LA Times, Roku uses 1/8th the power when in use versus the power a cable TV DVR uses when idle. With some of our readers reporting that . If you have a cable box and a DVR, their combined power draw is a stunning 446 kWh per year — more than a new refrigerator. And two-thirds of that energy gets sucked down .
Plus the dreaded "add up everyone in a huge area to make the number look impressive". And they're not counting all power, only electricity. Accurate headline: New Efficiency Rules For .
Cable Boxes Energy Usage Calculator. This calculator uses the average watt rating (100 Watts) for a Cable Boxes. You can input your Cable Boxes’s details to calculate the exact usage and .The voltage on the cable The precise chemical makeup of the water the cable is in If there is a low resistance pathway in the water, or one that leads out of the water. Electricity is dangerous and should be respected. Never get in the water if you believe .
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Take an inventory of everything you have that uses electricity, including phone chargers, etc. Remember that gas furnaces and stoves also have electrical connections. You will be surprised in the end just what you have connected. Then see what can be tuened off, even 4 or 5 phone chargers can add up. Tv, cable box.
This is blatantly wrong. Cable boxes dont use anywhere close to 400 watts of power to run. Even the most power hungry boxes use around 35 watts. As far as efficiency goes, there is really no such thing for cable boxes because they have to always remain on.
The amount of the bill may not be not a good way to compare bills, though. It's better to compare how much electricity you use. Last month we used 1269 kWh. Last year same month we used 1148 kWh so it's not that much more. We typically use the least electricity in October and April, around 650 kWh/month.stupid FRITZ!Box as DSL-Modem OPNsense Box Mini PC with Proxmox . You totally could be only using 300W it’s not crazy for Optiplexes to use crazy low power, but they don’t do it without trying. Like, using low power CPUs, no graphics cards, not loaded with HDDs. . A EnGenius EAP1300 on poe. 4 USAVision cameras on Poe power. Motorola .
I'm just curious why more people don't opt out of the cable box and get a cablecard setup instead. There are options like hdhomerun that can get the full cable TV lineup without a cable box. Also cable boxes use a surprising amount of electricity which should be considered in addition to the monthly cable box rental fee.The Comcast cable bill does not include a cable box as a hidden fee. I used only HTPCs and TiVo during the cable years - this was at a time (prior to that dumb s**t Ajit Pai killing the law in 2020) when cable companies were required by law to supply and .
Usually around 150-200 watts (8 wd red 4tb pro, 6 Samsung 1tb nvme drives, 1 seagate 480tb drive, 2 2tb Samsung sata ssds). That said its a vm in a proxmox box with the above hardware minus the 2 2tb drives passed through.The ONT use very little power and it should remains on 24/7 and if you can ask it for them to place it inside your house instead of in a box on the outside. Also think where you want your router to be located, because they will have to run a network RJ45 cable to the router if the run is not too complicated.Cable boxes take forever to reboot. The designer's solution was -- never turn to them off. E.g. the "off" button just turns off the HDMI port. Using that typically reduces power consumption by less than 10%. I saw a report that the biggest home energy use .
Why pay for the 8 hours of use if you aren’t using it? Anything that gives off heat or has a light on when plugged in. Cable boxes are notoriously bad, touch your box if you have one, they get hot AF which means they are using enough electricity to generate that heat. EDIT: I also turned off the water heater, that probably contributed a tonI did some research and realized that regular phone lines carry 48v DC and about 50mA. However I cannot find any info regarding Ethernet cables. How much electricity does a Ethernet cable carry? For example, can I leech a 2v 10mA led light on the RJ 45 cable that comes from my modem to the wifi router and power the led? Thank y'all in advance.Posted by u/silveramoon - 2 votes and 18 comments
Posted by u/Carlsinoc - 8 votes and 5 commentsThe house is 3 stories, 4500sq ft. How much cable do you guess I will need? I plan on buying 2-3 boxes of 500ft so I can do multiple runs at the same time. Will that be enough? Edit: just got done. Purchased 6 boxes so me and another guy helping me could run 2 each and then have two boxes as spare, in case we run out.For like 00 he added a 15 amp circuit to the panel, ran conduit down the side of the house to a junction box with a GFCI outlet and then ran the conduit down into the ditch and into the shed, and connected three light fixtures. . Just make sure you use external grade cable, and try not to have Ethernet and power right next to each other .
Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores . The major culprits were an old HP printer and the 2 Verizon FIOS cable boxes. Somewhere in the 40-50w range each. . 200 watts each. So if you were going to run electric heaters anyway, there is virtually no extra cost to making that electricity .

No, they don't use much. The power supply for most routers/access points are 12V/2A. So 24W. The PSU is not 100% effective. But the consumption is in average much lower - maybe half of this. The peak would be if there is a lot of usage.
Cable boxes i agree are very inefficient. I have some articles saying that they use as much power as an very efficient fridge. This is because cable boxes are on 24/7 and are not created to be power efficient while fridges have improved enormously over . How to Measure Your Boxes Energy Use Your third question focuses on how much energy your boxes are using. Without actually measuring your boxes there's no way to give you a perfectly definitive answer but we can move from a general estimate to a more precise answer. You indicated that you have four cable boxes and one DVR.
The usual culprits are cable boxes, refrigerators, HVAC systems, hard wired doorbell circuits, night lights, and general "phantom power" from devices that do a "soft off" and are really in standby. The rarer culprits are utilities that use "estimated billing" for certain months when they don't send meter readers.Posted by u/scientologist2 - 1,164 votes and 361 commentsI ran a sub-box inside, I have the primary breaker box outside and a second box inside. The inside box is set to break before the outside one so that I don't have to go outside. There are calculators online and even sites that show what wires you should use. One thing that is very important is that the breaker should not exceed the value of the .
The boxes are required by code for a reason. If, over years, the connection should become loose, it could arc, and spark. If its in a box, that's not goid, but not disastrous. If its not in a box, it could cause a house fire. Use a box, follow the code.Not sure why more people don't do this. Unless you have a big family it's a money saver. I bought an extender. All set. The bill is like 90 a month (we only have one provider available) but you have to have a land line so they have that. I pay them 25 a month. Don't need or want cable. Have prime (use the music a lot too) netflix and hulu.Posted by u/focal_au - 18 votes and 8 commentsThe clock consumes only miniscule energy (e.g. Europeans models have to use less than 1W if it has a clock display according to Regulation 1275/2008, AFAIK US Energy Star also has stand-by regulations, but dunno specifics) and the light consumes dozen to several dozen watts as it's incandesent (unless some never ones come with LEDs, but AFAIK .
So we have an old Yang CNC lathe we use for broaching parts. First part of the batch comes out way too big, about .025 too big and our gauge (not really a gauge but the actual part the customer puts in there). The parts are a gruelling 20 minutes each (6 cycles, 1st, turn chuck, 2nd, turn chuck, etc.).
how much electricity do cable boxes use reddit|do cable boxes still consume energy